Supporting Your Health Even During The Holidays

Supporting Your Health Even During The Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration, family, and friends. But they can also be a time for unhealthy eating habits. With all the food and drinks around, it's easy to overeat and end up unbuttoning ALL the buttons on your clothing to allow your belly extra space.

But the holidays can also be a time for planning ahead and setting yourself up for success in the new year. No, we’re not talking about New Year Resolutions here (but if you’re a fan of those, go for it!); we’re talking about taking small steps - even when it feels impossible - to set yourself up for long-term success.

Stock Up On Your Favorite Supplements

When you know you aren’t going to be eating your regular diet, and there’s likely to be a TON of cookies and pies around you, it’s important for us to supplement the vitamins and minerals that we are missing. And during this time of year, especially with a decrease of time in the sun (i.e., a lack of vitamin D which can even lead to seasonal depression), there’s a lot of nutrients our bodies are missing out on right now.

Even though I eat a pretty clean diet, I have found that sometimes I just can’t eat the volume of food that I would need to get all of my nourishment from my diet. So, I’ve started supplementing my diet with Nourish Super Greens and Reds. It’s the perfect way to make sure I get all of the nutrients my body needs each day.

This formula can really help your gut health. Most Americans have some type of gut problem, such as acid reflux, bloating, constipation, and indigestion. In fact, a 2022 study even found that over 40% of Americans live day-to-day with digestive troubles, and other studies report that number as high as 70%

When your body has these issues, the gut can't absorb all of the nutrients from your digestive system, so even if you are eating a nutrient-dense diet, much of the nourishment is not absorbed and used by your body.

Plan Ahead For The Holidays

Don't let the holidays become a time when you are stuck with low energy, gut issues, and inflammation just because you have tons of sugary and fatty foods available to you.

My recommendation: Get started with Nourish Super Greens and Reds today and give your body all of the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally. Let’s look at how it can help you: 

  • Can help to improve gut health
  • Can help to boost energy levels
  • Can help to reduce inflammation
  • Can help to improve immune function
  • Can help to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails

In addition to taking a supplement, there are a few other things you can do to stay healthy during the holidays, most of which you probably already know but a little reminder never hurts:

  • Eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day to avoid getting too hungry - which can also help with reducing the temptation to overindulge on those desserts. 
  • Keep an eye out for those sugary drinks - and that includes the eggnog and cocktails.
  • Take care of yourself mentally and physically, which means limiting stress, getting enough sleep, and moving your body when you can. The holidays are a BIG time where we’re sitting a TON, so even just a little stroll around the yard can be helpful with getting the body moving.

Happy Holidays!

Please note that this blog post is not intended to provide medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements or changing your diet and health routines.


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