KETO, When Done Correctly..
It's one of the best ways to achieve better metabolic markers and lose that unwanted fat.
But, the difference between saying "I've lost 5lbs and now I'm stuck" versus "Keto CHANGED MY LIFE!" is to know how to do Keto correctly for YOU.
Doing Keto right doesn't mean giving up your flavorful foods, feeling deprived, having to go to extreme measure in food prep, while unable to eat out, or skip happy hour.
It means enjoying life and allowing your body to become a fat burning machine.

Imagine stepping on the scale and finally seeing the number you’ve been striving for -- without feeling deprived in your food choices, having to spend hours prepping meals, or endless hours on a treadmill.
Yes, it’s not just a dream, it can be your reality when doing keto correctly!
Most people touting the benefits of keto leave out one critical part... our hormones! These hormones regulate our metabolism, which in turn tells our body to burn fat or hold on to it.
Keto affects men and women differently because of those hormones! Ladies, our hormones are different than our male counterparts! They’re changing 28 days out of the month, and we can’t do a one size fits all approach to keto!
Doing keto the same way as our best guy friend, husband or brother isn’t going to work—trust me, I’ve been there. I followed the male bloggers and it tanked my health. I was ready to give up until I dove into the literature, found the missing parts that no one was talking about, and unlocked the keto code for women.

We've all seen the pictures of transformation by major Hollywood actresses that have created incredible bodies in months before a film. What most don't realize is that they've had a full time coach helping them tweak, fine tune and make small, yet important adjustments in their diet on a weekly basis, to really dial in what works for them.
That’s the real secret to celebrity weight loss. It’s not that they did keto. It’s not that they had a celebrity trainer. It’s that they had a feedback loop as to what they ate, when they ate it and the results that it created. Making small, consistent adjustments along the way are what allows it to become a sustainable lifestyle. As we all know, if it’s not sustainable, we’ll cheat and stop our success.
My 4 Week Keto Blueprint Provides That Same Personalized Guidance With My Three Step Approach.
I’m here to teach you how to finally get results while doing keto, not just on the scale, but achieving overall vibrant health. I want you to be able to spring out of bed in the morning with boundless energy, be able to play with your kids and grandkids and make it through your days without aches and pains and sneaking in power naps!
My three step plan allows the personalization that makes all the difference in the results. We'll measure your progress daily and make those fine tune adjustments along the way.
This program isn't about what you learn. It's about what you lose!
You’ll lose the frustration. You’ll lose the confusion and anxiety around your weight struggles. You’ll lose the inflammation and most importantly you’ll lose the unwanted fat while building muscle, leaving you healthier, stronger and fitter than you were before you started the program.
For Less Than $100 a Week, You're Able to Create New Lifelong Habits to Become a Fitter, Healthier Version of Yourself.

Maybe, You’re Like Julie S...
“I was 5’ 1” and at 180 lbs was depressed, overweight, had bad skin and chronic pain. Dr. Lisa helped me understand the importance of taking control of my health. I felt empowered as I began choosing whole foods which in turn helped curb my cravings for sugar and other substances that kept me from living my best life. Not only did I become aware of the foods I put in my body, I became aware of other chemicals in lotions and hair products or using Styrofoam, for example, that had and ill-effect on my system. It was difficult for me the first few weeks to remove everything at once but once I saw the positive changes in my sleep and pain levels, I was all in. I dropped 20 lbs but more importantly, I was healthier overall. My skin cleared up, my sleep was better and my motivation for life became so much brighter.”
See What Others Are Saying!
"Participating in the program most notably helped me to become aware of the content of sugars, fats, fiber and proteins in the foods I commonly ate. By substituting some vegetables and reducing my fruits & portion sizes; I’m feeling more energy. My appetite is still healthy. I’ve always enjoyed food and now I’m full more quickly and am able to fast for 12-16 hours on a regular basis. Thank you Dr. Lisa for the encouragement and support to change my lifestyle habits.”
-Deborah B.
"Dr. Lisa, I think you just saved my life. My health was starting to decline; I told myself "this is part of the aging process." I was wrong; sad it took almost a year to try your service for myself. My whole body including digestive system has improved. Thank you for saving my life."
-Darlene H.
"The first class helped me to cut out much of the extra sugar from my diet. By taking baby steps has finally allowed me to lose weight and lots of extra inches. My clothes are way too big and my cravings are gone. In fact, for the first time in many, many years I was able to buy a pair of pants in a regular size rather than plus size! I really like Dr. Lisa’s emphasis on whole body wellness and I know I am a much healthier person now, thanks to Dr. Lisa."
-Rose Mary U.

Take The First Step in Changing Your Health For The Better.
"I have been on my health journey for over 40 years and for the first time I feel like I'm on the right track with Dr. Lisa's program.
In less than 5 days I've lost 7lbs but that's not the best part!!
I've had chronic inflammation and fluid retention for the last 30 years & I can see my ankles/calf muscles again!!
The bloating in my stomach has reduced a noticeable amount too & I feel energized!!
I can only imagine how AMAZING I'm going to feel at the end of this journey. It's just begun and I feel the momentum building. Thank you Dr. Lisa!"
Joy E.
Hear What Other Dr.'s Are Saying About Dr. Lisa O
Here Are The Details
- Guidance in meal planning, shopping, keto foods, intermittent fasting (men vs. women) + carb cycling made easy and eating for our periods, ladies.
- Handouts, Guides, downloads and more to help make the transition easy
- Dr. Lisa O's easy explanations help you learn the WHY in each step and will help you be prepared for any challenges. No more unforeseen situations that would sabotage you in the past, but not now!
- Access to the 4 Core Modules to Master the 3 Step Approach of a Keto Diet
- Question and Answer videos to the most common questions from women just like you!
- 3 Day QuickStart Guide to allow you to jumpstart your success with no delays
- Access to Dr. Lisa O's private Healthy Living Facebook Group
- Keto Cocktail Recipe Guide
- Keto Dessert Cookbook
- Appetizers Cookbook
- 28 Day Keto Meal Plan plus App access with daily reminders, shopping lists, and daily inspirational messages $297 VALUE by itself!
Some Frequently Asked Questions...
You get access as soon as you register! Each week new videos and downloads will be available in our portal to help you learn how to get into, and more importantly, STAY in fat burning mode.
Nope, not at all. Everything has been prerecorded for you. We totally understand busy schedules and made this as easy for you to listen (and implement) these strategic steps.
You absolutely can, but how's it worked for you thus far? Even the most successful people have a coach for accountability and guidance.
We get you. We're all busy juggling multiple balls in the air and we don't have time to sit in front of a computer for hours watching lessons. Dr. Lisa has kept all her weekly lessons short and concise, and can be listened to while driving in the car or cleaning your house!
Can you carve out an hour each week, or less than 10 minutes a day? If you can chisel out a few minutes here and there, you've got time for this. But let's get real, if you're not making your health a priority now, you'll have to make sickness a priority later.
You have lifetime access to the course in the membership portal.